Tuesday, December 11, 2012

ADD-ADHD - Can it Be Treated With Diet, Discipline, and Will Power

There are many different opinions about ADD/ADHD and even some who believe that ADD/ADHD is a behavior or lack of parent skill problem, which can be solved by instruction. And this can be true. In raising children we learn that life will often give us the final examine before we learn the lesson. So the chance of being wrong is increased. And the symptoms are similar between a ADD/ADHD and misbehaving child.

There does seem to be some evidence that some food dyes, too much sugar or caffeine and other food abuses can affect a child behavior. Of course a good diet is a good diet regardless whether we are children or adults. And part of good health with or without ADD/ADHD is eating correctly.

Expecting a child to have a great deal of will power is like giving the final examine before the child has a chance to learn the lesson. It is our job to teach and guild our children through the formative years to adulthood. If there is a will power part of this equation, it is our will power.

The fact is that ADD/ADHD can be treated with diet, discipline and will power. Diet is the most misunderstood factor in this statement because we have lots of food and we eat it. we are even becoming obese from eating too much. The type of food is the problem. We need food which are rich in the ingredients which the body needs to build neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are a chemical messenger used by neuron (nerve cells) to communicate in the brain. And a shortage of neurotransmitters can cause unclear or confusing messages to the body which lead to ADD/ADHD.

It is hard getting enough nutrition from our food supply for the body to replace the neurotransmitter used in our stressful 24/7 life style. We must either eat huge amounts of food or take a supplements which will give the body what it needs to replenish these neurotransmitters.

Yes ADD/ADHD can be treated with diet, discipline and will power, but not with our current food supply. we need more of the right food stuff along with a good dose of the others.

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