Friday, April 27, 2012

Causes and Symptoms of Arthritis Pain

Causes and Symptoms of Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is the disease that can work on the mind over the matter. The actual thing is that the people suffer from the mental anguish while affected by this

The word "Arthritis" indicates the singular form, though the disease arthritis is a combination of the 100 or more than diseases. Arthritis is accompanied by the joint pain or the inflammation. The join pain often referred as the arthralgia. According to the Arthritis Foundation near about 40 million people in the US have been searching for pain relief formulas from this debilitating disease along with the pain and inflammation. There are different parts of the body that can be affected by the arthritis, but the common parts that the Arthritis affects are:-

Monday, April 23, 2012

Canine Ear Mites

Canine Ear Mites

Ear mites are parasites that are found in the ear canal of dogs and other pets. Ear mite infestation can cause severe irritation or itching of the ear canal, which can sometimes lead to ear infection. Know more about the symptoms and treatment for canine ear mites.

Otodectes cynotis or ear mites, is a common parasite that is found in many pets including cats, pet dogs and rabbits. Cats are more affected by ear mite infestation than the dogs. These parasites are most commonly found in the head and ear canal of dogs, but occasionally spread to other areas of the body, especially to the tails. The life cycle of this parasite is of three weeks, i.e. it takes almost three weeks for an ear mite to reach adulthood. Ear mites typically survive on the body fluid, mainly on the ear wax or ear secretions. Ear mite infestation can sometimes lead to infection in the outer ear. Such infection can cause considerable damage to the ear canal and ear drum, which in severe cases, results in hearing loss. Canine ear mite infestation is a contagious disease, which can easily spread from one infected animal to another.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dementia in the Elderly

Dementia in the Elderly

Dementia in the elderly is among the several woes and sources of worries for most senior people. Abreast yourself with some important aspects of this disease.

Dementia mostly affects people who are 70 - 80 years old. However, the condition may strike in the mid sixties and can even affect younger people. It is not necessary that once a person grows old, he runs a risk of developing dementia, as most elderly people do not suffer from this illness. What I did not mention, as yet, is that it would not be appropriate to refer dementia as a specific ailment. In fact, it is characterized by a group of symptoms which are known to affect the intellectual and social abilities of a person. These symptoms are severe enough to hamper or disturb the normal day-to-day activities of the sufferer. There are many types of dementia in the elderly, Alzheimer's disease, being the most common of all. Know more about the condition from what has been provided below.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Causes and Symptoms of Canine Diabetes

Causes and Symptoms of Canine Diabetes

Here in this informative article on the causes and symptoms of diabetes in dogs, we will take a look at the facts will help you to learn what causes diabetes in dogs and how to recognize its symptoms.

Finding out the causes and symptoms of diabetes in dogs is a humane thing to do for those who really love their pets. For a dog to suffer with a disease such as diabetes can be just as dangerous as it is for a human.

Here in this informative article on the causes and symptoms of diabetes in dogs, we will take a look at the facts will help you to learn what causes diabetes in dogs and how to recognize its symptoms. This can help you give your pet a longer, happier life.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Canine Distemper Treatment

Canine Distemper Treatment

Canine distemper disease has proved to be a highly contagious disease affecting dogs worldwide. Efficient canine distemper treatment requires providing the dog with proper care in time.

Canine distemper is mostly observed in puppies aging between three to six months. However, adult dogs that are not immunized within a particular time can also catch this viral disease. The pets inflicted with this disease generally fall sick after after three to six days. The canine distemper virus shares the paramyxovirus group, with the virus causing measles in human beings. Distemper viruses are sensitive to heat and sunlight. The virus is mainly transmitted by aerosol droplets through coughing, sneezing and saliva of the infected dogs. The virus starts affecting the white blood cells in the body, and then it penetrates the lymphatic tissues and subsequently, to the surfaces of lung, intestine, bladder and lastly attacks the nervous system. Read more on canine distemper. Scroll down to know all about canine distemper treatment.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dental Care for Dogs

Dental Care for Dogs

Like humans, dogs too need proper dental care. Dogs develop dental problems usually at the age of three. Read to know more about dental care for dogs.

What can lead to dental problems in dogs? Chewing hard objects may damage your dog's teeth. Sugary treats fed to dogs cause cavities in their teeth as well. Pet dogs sometimes get frustrated and bored and they start chewing on fences that cause ridge like wear and tear on its canine dentition. Braces are required for some dogs in order to straighten their teeth, so that dogs do not face any problems while opening and closing their mouths. If proper care is taken, gum and teeth diseases can be prevented in dogs. Given below are some common canine tooth problems and their possible prevention and cure methods as a part of the best dental care for dogs.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Canine Epilepsy: Treatment Options

Canine Epilepsy: Treatment Options

This article will help you understand the options available to you when your dog has a seizure. There are ways you can help. Read this article to learn how.

If your dog begins to have seizures, it's crucial that you get him to a veterinarian immediately for an evaluation. If your dog is diagnosed with epilepsy, the following article will outline some ways that these seizures can be controlled. One of the first things you need to understand though is that epilepsy may not be the cause of your dog's seizures. Certain environmental toxins, as well as an injuries to the brain or brain tumors can all cause seizures. So if your dog's seizures are not caused by epilepsy, any epilepsy treatments will be ineffective.