Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Help Ease Anxiety and Depression With These Four Natural Remedies - Herbs For Depression and Anxiety

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Herbs for anxiety and depression are an alternative to prescription medications. Some people prefer to choose alternative and natural remedies and treatments for lifestyle and health reasons to name a few. Some seem to work well for depression and others, better for anxiety.

If you suffer with either of these disorders, the following list of herbs may be something for you to consider.

* Kava kava

According to research and clinical studies, kava is a muscle relaxant which has a calming effect and can work like a tranquilizer. It is not addicting and safe without the adverse side effects of prescription medication. It can help to relieve stress, insomnia, irritability and tension. If taking anti-depressant medications, it is advisable to consult with your health care professional before taking kava.

* St. John's Wort

This herb works like a sedative to calm the nervous system. It can help with mild depression, anxiety and sleep disorders. It has also been shown to help with headaches and exhaustion as well. If taking anti-depressant medications, it is advisable to consult with your health care professional before taking st. john's wort.

help with

* Ginseng

By giving a relaxing feeling, ginseng helps reduce stress, fatigue, and gives energy. It can also help to promote emotional balance.

* Valerian Root

This herb helps reduce anxiety like a tranquilizer and gives an overall relaxed feeling. It can also help with sleep disorders, tremors, and agitation. Valerian root is considered safe with little to no side effects.

Herbs may not work better than medicines, but often can be found to be cheaper, have less side effects and are readily available. However, there are currently no uniform standards to ensure the quality of herbs you purchase.

The above is not intended to be taken as medical advice, so if you are suffering from depression or anxiety, please consult a health care professional to diagnosis and treatment. There is help available so you can get back control of your life and live it to the fullest.


  1. wow!! Thank you for enumerating this kinds of plant that relieve stress.

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  2. I really appreciate to visit this nice post. Depression is a treatable health condition classified as a mood disorder in the medical diagnostic manual. It is not just about feeling really miserable and often not something that most can get over rapidly with time.

    natural remedies for anxiety
