Saturday, June 9, 2012

Diets For Quick Weight Loss - Read This Before Getting Started

Diets For Quick Weight Loss - Read This Before Getting Started

You may be wondering if any of the diets for quick weight loss are right for you. Trying to pick the best one can be overwhelming at best. No matter what you decide, it is important to realize that although quick weight loss can be achieved in a short amount of time, in order to maintain the results you will need to establish good habits for the long run.

It would be sad to see your efforts and hard work be reversed due to lack of exercise or proper eating habits after you go off of a quick diet. Please also consult a physician prior to starting any new diet, as you will want to make sure you do more good than harm to your self.

Maybe you are looking to shed a few vanity pounds, or perhaps lose a significant amount. Either way, diets for quick weight loss are the perfect way to kick start your goals. Certain plans like the 3 day diet or juice fasting can make a real impact, and then once you end the diet keep up a good workout routine and eating plan. It really is not a good idea to do any drastic diet for longer than 10 days. You can end up with diminishing returns. Better to make sure your maintenance plan is good. Try keeping track of your results and don't forget to reward yourself for each major milestone you achieve!

Diets For Quick Weight Loss - Read This Before Getting Started

Please do not think that calorie restriction will be effective! If you have it in your mind that very little to no eating will result in weight reduction, Think Again! If you eat too few calories, usually anything less that 1200 or so, your body will start to think it is starving. Once that happens, it begins to store fat to prevent starvation. This is a mechanism our bodies developed in the caveman days, when food was scarce, and we have not evolved past that, as much as we might wish we have. A steady intake of about 1200-1300 calories a day will help keep your metabolism burning. Adding in the right kind of exercise will also help to keep the fat burning abilities in prime condition.

While diets for quick weight loss can produce great results, having an established routine of exercise in place will be key to keeping the slim figure you desire. Experts say that at least 30 minutes of cardio 5 times a week is a must. Also, adding low impact resistance like free weights to your plan help to tone and firm, also it creates a fat burning furnace effect in your body an dyou will burn calories even when you are resting! Now that sounds like a plan to me! If you really hate to exercise, at least look into different options. Water aerobics, swimming, yoga, pilates. There is virtually something for everyone, and this is such an important piece of the fat shedding puzzle.

If you found this article helpful and are ready to start using Diets For Quick Weight Loss, to learn more and maybe even get started on your journey, please visit for more helpful information!

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