Sunday, May 13, 2012

Health Benefits of Martial Arts

Health Benefits of Martial Arts

Regarded as one of the most powerful technique of self defense, martial arts have several health benefits as well. Read on to know more about the health benefits of martial arts.

Martial arts are systems of codified practices of training for combat with the sole objective of defeating other person to defend yourself from physical threat. Martial arts are practiced as competitive combat sports, as well as dance forms. A person who practices martial arts is known as martial artist. Some popular forms of martial arts such as kick boxing, karate and taekwondo are practiced all over the world.

Learning martial arts can make the person physically stronger and mentally sharper. One can defend himself from any kind of physical attack. Such combat training is also beneficial for women, who are out of their house for professional commitments. The various forms of martial arts don't just contribute towards a fit body, but facilitate a proper coordination between the mind, body and soul. Owing to their holistic approach, martial arts can prove to be very helpful for personal fitness program.

Health Benefits of Martial Arts

Health Benefits of Martial Arts

Although the most important benefit of martial arts is self defense, health benefits of martial arts are also worth taking a note of. Martial arts training has various health benefits, ranging from muscle strengthening to stress release. Forms of martial arts, such as karate and kung fu, help in improving the cardiovascular health of the individuals and simultaneously tones the body muscles. Other forms, such as Thai kick boxing, contribute in improving the body flexibility. The practice of calisthenic exercises, light exercises which promote general fitness, is an important aspect of martial arts. These exercises play an important role in improving the stamina. The basic concept of martial arts is proper utilization of strength and energy effectively, therefore practicing any form of martial arts is bound to bolster your energy levels.

Various researches have proved that people in their 40s who regularly practice any form of martial arts have higher levels of fitness, than their counterparts who don't exercise. People who practice martial arts also tend to have a stronger immune system. It is believed that some forms of martial arts, like Tai Chi, grant various health benefits, such as anti-aging, to their practitioners. Practicing martial arts help in improving strength, flexibility, stamina as well as balance and coordination between the mind and the body. Choreographed routines, known as the 'katas' form an important part of the discipline involved in martial arts. The hard style routines comprise of aerobic and cardiovascular workout, while the soft style routines focus on flexibility of the body as well as its balance and control.

Martial arts are known to improve spirituality, and have positive effects on the mind as its training involves great concentration and self control. Practicing martial arts can help you to control your aggression and defeat your fear, thus making you experience internal peace and at the same time, boost your levels of confidence. It also helps you to keep your stress levels under control and hence, makes you feel energized throughout. All these benefits coming your way, directly or indirectly, improve your efficiency.

Owing to all these health benefits of martial arts, various form of martial arts training have become immensely popular today. And as researches and studies determine more benefits of martial arts, it will only add to the popularity of this form of art.

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