Sunday, February 26, 2012

Herb Fads From Acai to Soy

Herb Fads From Acai to Soy

There are a lot of herbal fads on the internet. Before you take them you should ask some very important questions. Are they safe? Are they effective? What, exactly, is in them?

As the world gets smaller and smaller, herbs from other cultures are appearing rapidly. As each comes out, great claims are made as to the wonders they will perform if you buy them. Many are aimed at the rapidly expanding middle of most Americans. Some are supposed to make you young or prevent cancer.

Acai berries are a good example. The juice and tablets are sold as weight loss supplements, but do they work? It’s hard to say as few studies have been done to back up the claim. Some people claim it works and others call it a scam. Which is it? We’ll have to wait until more research is done.

Dental Braces - Braces for Teeth

Dental Braces - Braces for Teeth

Dental braces are devices that are used for correcting irregularities of the teeth. Find out more about them here.

Dental braces, also referred to as orthodontic braces, are an appliance that are used to correct dental irregularities such as straightening crooked teeth, aligning both the jaws, relieving pressure on the temporomandibular joints, and also improving the aesthetics of the face and smile.

When are Dental Braces Fitted?

Braces for the teeth can be fitted at any age, although ideally the procedure is carried out in children, and is less common in adults. The reason being that the jaw bones as well as the bone surrounding the teeth are much more malleable in children, and therefore respond better to the molding process of the braces. Whereas as far as adults are concerned, surgery is usually required to alter the jaw bones. Hence it is advisable that orthodontic procedures be done as early as possible, soon after teeth alignment problems are detected in a child.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Healthy Dessert Recipes

Healthy Dessert Recipes

Are you the one who loves desserts but tends to count the calories? Read on for some interesting healthy dessert recipes you can enjoy preparing at home.

Mouthwatering, tempting and tantalizing, desserts have always been my favorite to the extent that I often wondered why couldn’t they be served before the main course! Imagine for starters; desserts as the main course and of course, desserts for just desserts! Well, to many, this would be wishful thinking and most would be happy to have it at least once a day! For the calorie conscious people, desserts are a representation of the sins they might just indulge themselves in. Well, for those who are really fretting about their hourglass figures (or trying to come closer to the hour glass kind), here is a compilation of some healthy dessert recipes, which can satiate your taste buds without making your weighing scale leap on the higher side.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Healthy Comfort Food

Healthy Comfort Food

There are times when you just need some comfort food, but most of our favorites are too high in calories, fat, cholesterol, sugar and sodium. Here are a few suggestions.

When we’re under stress, many of us reach for something comforting. Most of the time, it’s food. Chocolate, potato chips, burgers and pizza are more welcome than steamed broccoli and roasted chicken under these conditions. Unfortunately, the first list packs on the pounds and clogs up the arteries.

What should we do? Find healthy alternatives. In fact, you can have many of the things you crave if you plan it and make a little bit of an effort. Here are a few suggestions.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Candida Diet Snacks

Candida Diet Snacks

With the number of foods you aren't allowed on a Candida diet, you must be in severe need of some special Candida diet snacks to deal with your hunger pangs. Take a look at some choices for snacks on this diet, here.

A type of yeast, candida albicans is infectious to humans and resides mostly in the gastrointestinal tract. It may develop in the body due to a weakened immune system that does not have the ability to deal with infectious agents in the body. The infection caused by this yeast it known as candidiasis may further weaken the immune system, making it prone to other bacterial and fungal infections in the body. As such, those who suffer from this condition are asked to go on a specific diet, popular as the Candida cleanse. As is the case with any specific diet, it always leaves you craving for some kind of food or snacks to be eaten. In order to ensure that you do not consume any foods containing yeast that will enhance the growth of this fungus, here are some Candida diet snacks you can prepare and consume for yourself.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012




Generic Name: laronidase (lah RAH nih daze)

Brand Names: Aldurazyme

What is Aldurazyme?

Aldurazyme (laronidase) is used to treat some of the symptoms of a genetic condition called Hurler syndrome. Hurler syndrome is also called mucopolysaccharidosis (MYOO-koe-pol-ee-SAK-a-rye-DOE-sis).

Hurler syndrome is a metabolic disorder in which the body lacks the enzyme needed to break down certain sugars and proteins. These substances can build up in the body, causing enlarged organs, abnormal bone structure, changes in facial features, breathing problems, heart problems, vision or hearing loss, and changes in mental or physical abilities.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Candida Diet Recipes

Candidiasis is a medical condition developed due to uncontrolled growth of Candida cells. Here are some Candida diet recipes that would help in bringing this growth under control.

Candida is a type of micro organism containing toxic yeast cells and it thrives in various parts of the human body like intestine, throat, mouth and the genitals. The presence of these cells is usually normal and harmless, however when its growth multiplies, it becomes dangerous for the health of the person. This condition of the multiplication of yeast cells is called Candidiasis or yeast infection. The main causes of Candidiasis are overdose of antibiotics or a fragile immune system. The most common ailments that arise due to Candidiasis are muscle and joint pain, kidney and bladder infections, soar throat, infection on the skin folds, etc.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Candida Diet: the HIDDEN Dietary Treatment

Candida Diet: the HIDDEN Dietary Treatment

Is there a candida diet that gives results? Learn about the surprising facts of Candida diet controversy in this shocking article

Sticking to a well defined candida diet is the first move for dealing with yeast infections. Recent research indicates that the right diet plan may be highly effective in preventing certain health problems and chronic diseases, including Candida infections. Before discussing the connection between candida diet and its impact on yeast infection, we’ll take a quick look at what candida infection is and discuss the specific conditions that bring it on.

Candida is the scientific name for single cell microbes to be found in small amounts in the most areas of the human body: the intestines, the genitals, the mouth etc. Although in the body that is healthy these microbes are kept in check by beneficial bacteria and an operational immune system, a combination of certain conditions can wreck this healthy balance. Candida can grow out of control and take on a root-like structure to damage the mucous membranes of the gut, invading the bloodstream and causing the well known symptoms related to yeast infection. As these microbes are mobile and can reach different parts of the body, systemic as well as local yeast infection can occur.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Causes and Effects of Land Pollution

Causes and Effects of Land Pollution

Land pollution is a common and destructive phenomenon today. Read on to learn about its various causes and effects.

Know about land pollution

Pollution is a global problem. It has affected the lives of millions of people and caused several deaths and health problems. Land pollution is one of the types of pollution. Land pollution is pollution of our planet’s land surface.

Causes of land pollution:

Increase in urbanization. Construction uses up forestland. More constructions means increase in demand for raw materials like timber. This leads to the exploitation and destruction of forests. There is more demand for water. Reservoirs are built leading to the loss of land.