Saturday, January 28, 2012

Causes and Effects of Divorce

Nowadays, divorce is more the norm than ever before. In the following article, I have list some of the common causes and effects of divorce. Read on...

There has been a dramatic decrease in the number of successful marriages around the world. There are various reasons that lead to divorce. And with the separation of the family, many major problems arise. This further leads to stressful conditions for the husband and wife, and results into circumstances that have traumatic effects on the child as well. A divorce is agonizing for everyone involved. It is not always the case that one person is unfaithful to another that originates a divorce. Some of the things that cause a divorce can be just simple things like one of the two, or both have lost interest in the relationship. Here, I have made an attempt to put forth the major causes and effects of divorce on the people involved.

Causes of Divorce in the United States

These reasons of divorce may not be true in your case, but they have been generally observed in many couples. Moreover, it is not necessary that these are the only reasons for divorce. Go through them and try to identify the causes that apply to you. You should also go through these causes of divorce and divorce advice.

No Trust

Lack of trust mostly arises from suspicion. Sometimes, it is nothing more than just imagination or fear that your spouse is cheating on you. If a person is caught cheating it is very hard and sometimes impossible for his partner to trust him or her again. This deficiency of trust comes into action commonly in women after they have had a child. They feel that their husbands don't find them attractive anymore. Such problems can be avoided by better communication.

Financial Difficulties

There are individuals who find it awkward to discuss money matters with anyone, even with their partner. So if such a person is undergoing financial trouble it will cause him a lot of stress which will lead to further problems in the relationship. Also, families that have a stable and good income have a greater chance of not getting a divorce even though people hate to admit it. This is also one of the most common causes and reasons of divorce.


Unfortunately, alcohol and drugs are an undeniable part of our society today and many married couples get addicted to such things. This leads to many other problems in the relationship. If you or your partner has such a problem you should take professional help immediately.


Addiction can lead to this problem. Abuse can be of various types like physical, sexual or even mental. It can also have long lasting effects on a person being abused. It takes a lot of counseling, and sincere and focused work and commitment to change such a relationship.

Lack of Communication

You will be amazed at the number of problems that lack of communication can lead to. Although, many couples may deny having this relationship issue, it is quite common. On the other hand, many problems can be easily sorted out by good communication between the two. Also go through these top 10 reasons why marriages fail.

Effects of Divorce

The causes and effects of divorce can alter almost all about a individual's life including where a person stays, with whom they live, their way of living, their happiness, time spent with children, their assets and liabilities and a lot more. Some effects of divorce can be good too. That is if you are ending an unhappy or abusive relationship. Other effects of divorce can be damaging to a person's entire life. But the important thing to consider is how does divorce affect children. Every year, over 1 million American children suffer the divorce of their parents. Not just that, half of these children experience the divorce even before they become eighteen. The prominent effects of divorce on children are depression or even nervous breakdown. They may even succumb to criminal activities. Children are usually sensitive and are therefore more susceptible to emotional damage. Children might also become short tempered, destructive, isolated, etc.

These were the common causes and effects of divorce. You should read tips to save a marriage from divorce before you even consider deciding to divorce and letting it all go.

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