Sunday, August 21, 2011

NY Dental Offices Can Administer Swine Flu Shots

DENTAL NEWS: In an effort to get more people vaccinated against the H1N1 virus or swine flu, New York State is now allowing dentists, dental hygienists and podiatrists to administer flu shots.

New York Governor David Paterson issued the executive order on Thursday that will increase the number of health care professionals that will now administer the vaccine. "Local governments are reporting that the current public health workforce is not sufficient to thoroughly execute a vaccination campaign of this magnitude," Paterson said. "Those local governments and health care providers specifically requested that we issue this emergency order to give them flexibility to use additional personnel and resources in New York's vaccination campaign." At least 75 deaths in New York have been attributed to the swine flu.


DENTAL VIEWS: Allowing dental offices to vaccinate patients against the swine flu is all well and good but it's lack of the vaccination medicine that's the problem. Too bad the governor can't issue an executive order that would make more medicine ASAP.

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