Friday, April 29, 2011

Aloe Vera Juice for Constipation

Aloe vera has been used for treating many digestive problems. There are various benefits of drinking aloe vera juice. Below, I have narrowed down to the use of aloe vera juice for treating constipation. Read on...

Aloe vera, also referred to as medicinal aloe, is a herb which is used for ages for curing and healing many diseases. The anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties of aloe vera help in the treatment of internal as well as external problems. It has been used for soothing burns and cuts. It has also proved to be a great moisturizer for skin. It has also been used for sunburn treatments. There are many other medicinal uses of aloe vera like, it promotes blood circulation and helps in maintaining normal blood pressure. The health benefits of aloe vera cannot be overlooked. This natural herb has also proved a good remedy for healing ulcers and maintaining blood sugar levels. Most of the times, it cures diseases without any side effects. But, in some cases, a few side effects of this herb are observed. Let's take a look at benefits of using aloe vera juice for constipation.

Allergy Symptoms in Children

Allergy symptoms in children are mostly similar to symptoms of flu. Read on to learn some information on how to recognize allergy symptoms in children.

Children are often down with illness due to many types of allergies. There are over a million kids in United States, who have some kind of allergy. Sometimes the allergy is mild or in some cases the allergies take a serious turn. What exactly is an allergy? It is an over reactive immune system, that launches a full fledged attack on a simple substance. This simple substance is termed as an allergen that does not cause any kind of reaction in most people. The immune system produces immunogloblulin E (IgE) antibodies. These IgE antibodies stimulate mast cells and basophils to produce chemicals to attack the alleged allergen or invader. This production of chemicals, including histamine, causes an allergic reaction. These allergic reactions will occur every time the child is exposed to the allergen. Let us go into the details of how to recognize allergy symptoms in children.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Allergy Symptoms in Babies

Allergy symptoms in babies can either appear immediately or several days after the initial exposure to the specific allergen or food, to which they develop allergy. Though these symptoms are usually mild, occasionally, they can lead to some potentially serious conditions. Read on to know more about the symptoms of allergies in babies.

Allergy can be termed as a disorder associated with the immune system, where it becomes hypersensitive to certain substances, that are considered harmless, as the immune system in a non-allergic individual does not react to them. Generally, our body produces immune response, when we encounter some harmful and infectious agents like bacteria, virus or fungi. In such a situation the immune system recognizes these foreign substances, and produces antibodies and chemicals like histamines to destroy them. But in certain individuals, who are allergic, immune system can produce antibodies and chemicals against some foreign, but non-infectious substances, which are called allergens. The result is an exaggerated immune response, which can cause allergic reaction in both adults and children.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Aloe Vera Juice for Acne

Aloe vera juice for acne, quite a different concept than applying the gel directly on the face. Read this article to learn more details about aloe vera juice benefits for acne

Aloe vera JUICE? To drink? Now that's a first. I know about the benefits of using fresh aloe vera right from the leaves and applying it directly onto your face and body. But aloe vera juice benefits for acne is something different. Among many other natural remedies for acne, the aloe vera plant is one of them. The sticky, yellow substance, which is extracted from the leaves is mainly used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. While aloe vera gel helps heal burns, wounds, cuts, scrapes, and tanned skin, it is also used as one of the best acne treatment. In our article today, we are going to concentrate on how aloe vera juice for acne treatment is used. So sit back and read thoroughly.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Aloe Vera

The Aloe Vera plant truly lives up to its reputation as a Miracle plant. Read on for some interesting health benefits about Aloe Vera.

Aloe Vera or the ‘Miracle Plant’, as it is commonly known as, definitely lives up to its name in many ways. This plant has a very short stem with very fleshy and lance shaped leaves. It grows to a height of about 80-100 cms. You may have heard about the various benefits of Aloe Vera for skin care and even stomach ailments. This innocent looking green or sometime green-grey plant can taste awfully bitter when taken orally, straight from the fleshy leaf. Although the results are miraculous, it would take a real amount of persuasion for one to use Aloe Vera internally for health benefits! Though bitter to taste, Aloe Vera is also used as a common ingredient in Japan for yogurt and there are specific Aloe Vera based beverages available, as well. The juice of the Aloe Vera is also bottled and has a great demand around the world.

Allergy Symptoms

There are hundreds of allergies in the world and most of the times we aren't even aware of these allergies! In such a situation, knowing about some of the allergy symptoms will help many of us understand allergies better and therefore, we can take steps to treat them. The following article will tell you about some such allergy symptoms.

Many of us are not even aware that we might be allergic to certain things. Some people are allergic to certain foods, others to certain materials, and several more to specific substances. In spring season, some people show grass allergy symptoms. Unless the allergy symptoms are very strong (which only happens if people have chronic allergies) many people suffer mild discomfort and may not necessarily know that they have allergies. So, what's the problem in that? How about this - If you don't treat your allergies in time by looking out for allergy symptoms, they might get worse over time and could lead to health complications, and in some cases could even be fatal. Reason enough to start paying attention to the allergy symptoms? Good. Let's look at some of the more common symptoms of allergy then.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Allergies in Dogs: Causes and Treatments

It is quite common for human to have allergies with something like milk, nuts, beans, fur and more. But, do you know that dogs have their own allergies too? Check this article to understand better.

You probably already know that human beings are susceptible to allergies but did you know that allergies in dogs are also very common? Dogs, like humans can be sensitive to things in the environment, food, bug bites. While we may exhibit nasal symptoms or watery eyes, allergies in dogs present on their skin more often than not. If you have a pet who is constantly presenting with scratching, rubbing their face on the carpet, gassy, or diarrhea there is a good chance they have allergies or sensitivities to something in their environment.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Allergy Medicine for Dogs

Allergy medicine for dogs are usually administered according to the instructions of a veterinarian. However, a basic idea about such medicines may prove beneficial at times. Read on...

As in case of humans, dogs too are prone to allergies. You can deduce this condition from allergy symptoms in dogs, which include, dry itchy skin that results in constant scratching, loss of hair along with dandruff, inflammation of feet, scratching of red itchy ears, coughing/wheezing/sneezing and nasal discharge, chewing of certain spots on their body, and vomiting and/or diarrhea. These symptoms can be categorized into three common types of common dog allergies - skin allergy, dust mite allergy and food allergy. Allergy medicine for dogs may differ with the type of allergy. It is always better to administer allergy medicines for dogs, as per the instructions of a veterinarian. However, a basic idea about such drugs may prove beneficial in emergencies.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Acne Herbal Remedies

One of the most common and chronic teenagers' woes is acne. This article will take you through some effective tips on acne herbal remedies...

As soon as a person reaches his/her teenage, acne starts appearing all over the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and the upper arms. However, this bothersome skin disorder is not only limited to young people. Those in the age group of 20 to 40, are also among the affected lot. Acne is not a serious disorder, however, it does raise concerns due to its aftereffects of permanent and serious scarring. The following acne herbal remedies have been listed down to help you with your acne problems. Know more on natural acne cures and herbs for acne.

Allergies Vs. Cold

Start of winter is the start of allergies and cold. Since the symptoms of allergies and symptoms of cold are alike, this starts an allergies vs cold debate. Let’s read more on allergies vs cold.

Do you have a running nose, cough and nasal congestion? In such a condition, it is very difficult to differentiate between allergies vs cold, as both of them involve the immune system. It is hard to believe, but many health care professionals also have a hard time to differentiate between the two. To understand allergies vs common cold better, let’s see what are colds and allergies.

What is a Cold?

Common cold is as a result of harmful bacteria or viruses. Since they are intruders in the body, the immune system attacks them. Cold, cough and congestion are actually effects of the immune system responding to these intruders. If a cold is caused by a virus, the cold is contagious and spreads, when a person with cold sneezes, coughs in the periphery or shakes hands. The common symptoms, which accompany colds caused by viruses are sore throat, sneezing, cough and running or stuffy nose. Some people may also experience body aches and pains. In rare cases, people may also have mild fever. Mild to moderate chest discomfort may also be seen in some people.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Allergies in Dogs: Our Pets Suffer from Summer Allergies Too!

Most pet owners know just how heart-breaking and frustrating it can be to watch your dog bite, chew or scratch on himself due to itchy seasonal allergies. Summer is the worst season of the year for dogs with their pollen allergies, itchiness, reactions to various bug bites like fleas, hot spots and even allergic reactions to grass. This guide will talk about how you can learn to recognize the early signs of skin disease, and how to it can be treated before it worsens and becomes very serious.

Fleas. Grass fungus. Grass seed and pollen. Ants. Mosquitoes. Bees. Scabies and mange mites. Ticks. Slivers and spiny things. Cuts and scratches. These are just some of the things that our pets can become affected by that we don't even see or know about. Did you know that the tiny grains of pollen are actually covered in sharp-looking spikes? Once these tiny grains work their way into your dog's foot pads, they will drive your dog crazy with all the stinging and itching they cause. Allergic reactions can also be caused in your dog if these grains are inhaled. There are so many things that can go wrong.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Acne Cure Diet

By making some smart changes in your diet and lifestyle, you can get rid of acne. Here are acne cure diet tips, that will help to clean your body from the inside and get rid of acne naturally.

Acne is a common disorder. Some people are so lucky that they never experience this condition. While for some, acne will breakout during their teen years and soon the breakouts will decrease, and eventually not erupt. However, many of us suffer from acne more often, and sometimes give an undesirable appearance. The acne sometimes might get worse, sometimes might get better but they might not go away. Also, acne can leave nasty scars behind. Having a face full with acne breakout and marks can be very embarrassing, and thus affect your social life. The best way to get rid of acne is to follow a cleansing diet, maintain good facial hygiene and use the right kind of products. Here are useful tips on acne cure diet, and other useful tips that will help you to get rid of this embarrassing skin condition.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Allergies in Dogs

Just as humans, dogs too suffer from various kinds of allergies. It's essential for dog owners to know about the various types of allergies that their beloved pooch can suffer and also the treatment for it. To find out more about allergies in dogs, read on...

Being a dog owner myself, I know exactly how it feels to see my pet suffer from any kind of illness or discomfort. Not only are you anxious to know what caused the illness, you also want your pet to get rid of it as soon as possible. A major cause of distress among dogs can be an allergy. Most dogs are prone to skin allergies, food allergies or food intolerance, allergy due to vaccination or drugs and inhalant allergies. Dog allergies related to the skin and environmental substances are typically of two types, viz. seasonal and all year round. These allergies, caused due to various allergens, are difficult to diagnose due to similar symptoms. Therefore, a precise and accurate diagnosis of the allergy is required for its treatment. The various types of allergies in dogs with their symptoms, causes and treatment are discussed below.

Acid Reflux and Chest Pain - It Could Already be a Heart Attack

Acid reflux and chest pain can present some form of danger to a heart patient. The chest pains are quite common, some individuals are not aware that what they are suffering is no longer acid reflux and chest pains but already the onset of a heart attack.

Before going any further, let us first identify what acid reflux is and its relation to chest pain.

Acid Reflux - What Causes the Heart Burn or Chest Pains?

Acid Reflux or GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) mainly affects a person’s esophagus. Esophagus to aptly describe it is that passage where the food passes on from the mouth to the stomach, under normal digestion processes. In some instances during the digestion process, the stomach will go into some form of regurgitation.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Acid Reflux and Bad Breath

Is there a relationship between acid reflux and bad breath? Yes, in fact, bad breath from acid reflux is more common than most people think. To know more, read on...

There are several causes of bad breath like poor oral hygiene, dry mouth which is caused by breathing through mouth, dehydration, sinus infection, respiratory tract infection, smoking, as well as eating pungent foods like garlic, coffee, onion and certain varieties of fish. Most of these causes of bad breath are easily curable, but bad breath from acid reflux is a little more difficult to cure. It is very important to understand the connection between acid reflux and bad breath, if you want to get rid of the latter.

Allergies During Menopause - can Progesterone Help Relieve them ?

Does menopause bring on allergies that never existed before? Find out what you can do to stay healthy.

Menopause is said to have set in when a women stops ovulating and her period ceases. Menopause allergies are common with some women. Most women reach menopause between the age of 45 and 55 years and the average age for reaching menopause is around 50 years. However, 1% percent of women reach menopause before 40. Referred to as premature menopause, or premature ovarian failure, menopause brings with it a host of discomforts, including allergies from various allergens present in the environment. The immune system of menopausal women goes into disarray and many become susceptible to allergies during menopause.

Monday, April 11, 2011

11 Alternative Uses For Dental Floss

There are so many more ways to use dental floss than just to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Because it's made with nylon or Teflon fibers, floss is stronger than string or thread, easier to work with than wire and you can get it cheap at most dollar stores. Here are just a few of the many alternative uses for dental floss:

Hang Time - Use dental floss to hang pictures, sun catchers or Christmas ornaments. In fact, you can use it to hang just about any smallish object in need of string or wire.

Sew Neat - I love this one. If you've ever had a coat button that keeps coming off, and who hasn't, try dental floss instead of thread the next time you sew it on. Floss is also strong enough to repair tears in mess on things like playpens, beach bags and laundry bags.A cut above - If you wrap a length of dental floss around one finger on each hand, you can cut perfect cake slices. It's cleaner and neater than using a knife. You can cut fruit, soft cheese, bread and hard-boiled eggs this way, too.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

ADHD Medicines and Kids With Anxiousness

For many who aren't clear, ADHD is an abbreviation for Consideration Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a behavioral disorder that might be now affecting just about 10% of the school-age chidren. In our daily existence, you may pay attention a lot of folks affiliate ADHD medications with youngsters with anxiety. From a extra professional standpoint, on the other hand, there is no direct relation between the two. They're handiest associated for the easy proven reality that each relate to ADHD. If a kid is suffering ADHD, he'll have extremely laborious time in paying consideration and focusing, for you to ultimately result in failure achieve goals.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Picky Eater: Dining in the dark not as helpful as we’d hoped

Picky eaters do not review restaurants. Be grateful.
I dined with two of Toronto’s pickiest eaters at O Noir two weeks ago. We met after they emailed me about their struggles with vegetables and condiments.
A waitress asked Tony Williamson, a self-confessed veggie-hater, about his appetizer.
I put a dent in my salad,” the 40-year-old father of two replied. “I only gagged twice.
The picky eater’s compliment is not exactly a glowing review.
The food was fantastic, it’s something else,” Williamson said, realizing his mistake.
Something else” is perhaps the most succinct way to describe picky eating, the frustrating, irrational and perplexing way a small group of Canadians eat.
But this restaurant is also something else. At O Noir, wait staff is blind and diners eat in darkness to share the experience. We picky eaters hoped we would be more adventurous if we didn’t see the food we fear.
At the Church St. restaurant, diners congregate in a dimly lit room to look at the menu before they enter the dark dining room. There are several options for appetizers, main courses and desserts, and a “surprise” option.
Williamson stood there, skeptical of the appetizers: grilled portobello mushroom, grilled octopus, grilled calamari, salad with mushrooms and the surprise.
There is nothing I would eat there,” he said, ordering the surprise — later revealed as a salad.
Williamson works in IT and is a meat and potatoes guy. The only vegetables he eats — corn, tomatoes and cucumbers — aren’t technically classified as vegetables. Corn is botanically a grain, tomatoes and cucumbers are fruit.
At Subway, I order a sub and they automatically reach for lettuce. I’m like, ‘No lettuce, no lettuce.’ If one little piece of lettuce hits that, I’m freaked out,’ ” he says.
This all makes me feel so much better,” says Shannon Mitchell, who works in public relations.
Mitchell, 24, doesn’t like sauces of any kind.
There are lots of meat and potato dishes in the main course section. The problem, for all of us, are the side vegetables and sauces. Mitchell orders the surprise main dish.
If you need anything just holler,” a waitress says. “Any questions or concerns?
If you only knew.
The three of us aren’t medically compromised picky eaters. We’re just selective, the kind of people who prefer Alphagetti to artichokes. Nancy Zucker, the director at the Duke Center for Eating Disorders, said depriving picky eaters of vision is a good way to reduce the anticipatory anxiety many feel before taking a bite.
A lot of time the fear gets in the way, notwithstanding the taste and smell. You see something, and start to get afraid and your stomach gets all tight,” she said.
We’re escorted into the room, our hands on the shoulder of the person in front of us. Mitchell has brought two long-suffering dinner partners: her boyfriend, Liam Mulligan, and friend Michelle Dias.
While we wait for appetizers, we talk about our puzzling behaviour. Williamson says he can force himself to eat on occasion, like his second date with his wife. Eating quiche was torture, but he did it. Now they have two kids.
I know it’s an irrational thing,” he says. “Why is this so hard (at other times) if I can do it now?
Those situations come up with Liam’s parents, and I won’t do it,” Mitchell responds, saying she’d rather be embarrassed by a juvenile selection than a wasted meal.
The appetizers arrive and Mitchell reaches into the darkness and feels something wet. It’s a salad with vegetables and dressing.
She hates dressing. Williamson hates salads.
Who has gagged at least once so far?” Williamson asks after a few minutes pass.
Mitchell admits she stopped eating. “If I don’t like it why would I want to eat it? If you stub your toe, it hurts, but you get over it. Why would I want to do it again?
As he makes his way through the salad, Williamson says his wife is worried his diet of “crap food.
She says, ‘What happens if one day the doctors say you can’t eat poutine and cheeseburgers for the rest of your life?’ ” he says. “One day I have to force myself to do this.
As we eat our main courses (Mitchell is delighted that it’s a meat and potatoes variation, Williamson spins his plate to avoid the vegetables,) Williamson talks about his daughters, ages 6 and 8. They are good eaters, but when they get fussy, he makes them take three bites. It is something he cannot do.
I don’t want them to go to a dinner party and sit there and go, ‘Enh, I’ll have some Tic Tacs out of my purse,’ ” he says. “I don’t want them to live this crap that I’m going through.
Mitchell thinks she’ll be the same way when she’s a parent. Mitchell says she’ll change when she’s pregnant. “If I can change when I need to, why can’t I do it now?” she says.
We’re all kids at heart,” Williamson says. “One day I’ll grow up and when I grow up I’ll eat like a grown up.
Next: Picky Eater examines strategies for parenting a picky eater.
The Picky Eaters
Tony Williamson, 40, Markham
Picky about: Odour and texture. Doesn’t like most vegetables, fruit, seafood, eggs, onions, mashed potatoes
Ordered: Surprise appetizer (salad); veal, potatoes and sautéed vegetables for main
How he fared: Gagged twice eating salad but ate 2/3 of it. Finished veal and most of potatoes but did not eat sautéed vegetables (the smell of marinara sauce nearby threw him off)
Picky relatives: Sister recently confessed to having minor issues with odour of seafood and eggs
Concerns: Passing habits on to children; a doctor ordering him to stop eating fatty foods and red meat
Shannon Mitchell, 24, Toronto
Picky about: Doesn’t like sauces. Has never tried mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, or relish. Doesn’t really like vegetables. Knows “instinctively” she won’t like certain foods. Doesn’t like squishy foods like cooked vegetables.
Ordered: Surprise appetizer (salad); surprise main (chicken with mushroom sauce, potato, roasted vegetables)
How she fared: No gagging, but ate only one bit of salad because it was too saucy. Ate main course, just not the veggies.
Eating in darkness: It helped. “I didn’t know I was eating a mushroom sauce on the main at all.
Picky relatives: Mother doesn’t like foods to mix
Concerns: Social and professional; cannot eat most catered work meals
Katie Daubs, 25, Toronto
Picky about: Texture, taste, foods mixed together. Has eaten the same bland foods for so long it seems impossible to change. Trying to eat wider variety through repetitive exposure to new foods
Ordered: Surprise appetizer (salad); filet mignon with potatoes and vegetables as main
How she fared: Ate green beans, peppers and unidentified vegetables she normally wouldn’t eat. Only spit one mushroom out in the salad. Should have tried a more daring dish but couldn’t commit to the frightening world of seafood.
Eating in darkness: Removed most anticipatory anxiety.
Picky relatives: Mother and brother; both grew out of picky eating.
Concerns: Diabetes runs in the family, and current diet isn’t preventive